Wow! So this blog was somewhat short lived. Ok everyone updates on what's been going on around campus since the last post:
1) It passed! The "more likely than not" standard for evidence at georgetown has been replaced by "clear and convincing" for all incidents involving students that occur on campus. While it's still "more likely than not" off campus, at least they're changing things! (so get ready to get crazy when you roll on back to campus)
2) Pandas! (?) one of the baby pandas at the national Zoo died (so sad) but we had Pambassadors(?) come to campus to raise awareness and boy were they cuddly! Shoot, I almost mistook the furry jolly creatures for the man himself (DeGioia) but on closer inspection they were just cute! That's my friend Katie just swimming in a sea of cute!!
3) Senior night @ the Tombs IS LACKING. I know you all are going to come out in full force come spring semester, but you should be mocking all your friends on campus for choosing to refrain from one of our most sacred Georgetown traditions. It's wednesday nights and really what else do people have to do that night? I mean, come on, it's senior year.
4) She's back! Hilary visited yesterday and talked about international energy diplomacy. And, as usual was amazing.
5) Speaking of politics. Can't believe you're all missing all of this. From Paul Ryan's "malarky" to Obama's claim of"act of terror" and Romney's apparent loss of any ground from the last debate, it's been one electric election season around these parts! Don't worry, though, I'm sure you're getting plenty of updates from facebook. Did I say updates? I meant completely unnecessary tirades from both sides of the political funhouse. Whoops.
6) NHS Fall Ball happened. Oh yeah. It was actually my first year going and a pretty good time all around. Sort of like an awkward wedding where the 20-something guests want to get shitty and hook up, but the grandparents, parents and cousins are kind of cock-blocking everything. It was hilariously awkward but all around a great time had by all. BUT THEY WOULDN'T LET ME TAKE A SENIOR I-health PHOTO! jerks.
Really, that's about life here in a nutshell. My life specifically isn't too terribly exciting. I bounce between St. Mary's, Darnall and Tombs and that's about it outside of the weekend shenanigans (oh, have I mentioned I only have class mondays and tuesdays and therefore everyone here hates me, but I have 5 day weekends so I don't care? yep. love it). I've turned in my first 20 pages for my thesis and have absolutely zero for the next chapter. But ladies in Ghana, I'm writing about barriers to access of maternal/reproductive services in west Africa, so I'm researching your home base a lot! Miss you all very much, but really am making sure to represent for you all in DC and on the Hilltop!